High Lift Reversible Drum Vac Overview

I remember the days when a hydraulic hose would burst and start filling the pit below our machine. There would be a slurry of water, oil and dirt. At the time we would simply use mops, buckets and a water pump causing risk of injury, excessive labor and inefficiencies. That is until I discovered EXAIR and their options for Industrial Housekeeping products. I purchased the High Lift Reversible Drum Vac and can certainly tell you I made a lot of friends the day it was delivered.

The crew was in the middle of a clean-up situation with a few guys down in the pit connecting a water pump. I showed them the new solution, an EXAIR High Lift Reversible Drum Vac. They climbed up the ladder from the 6 foot pit and raved over this new toy. They hooked up the compressed air, assembled the wand extension to the vacuum hose and began lifting the liquid mess into our 55 gallon drum. When the drum filled and the auto shut-off stopped the unit I then realized that I should have purchased the 110 gallon drum. No problem, the 110 gallon was stock item so I purchase the new drum and lid as the components from the 55 gallon were fit on the 110 gallon lid. The guys were elated and now enjoyed cleaning with this great piece of vacuum excellence.

EXAIR has more than a few options for Industrial Housekeeping products but in this case the High Lift Reversible Drum Vac was the right fit for my project. This high-powered vacuums able to lift liquids up to 15 feet and fill a 55 gallon drum in less than 85 seconds. With a turn of the knob , the same stainless steel pump evacuates the liquid from the drum. This unit has no moving parts and does not require electricity as it operates from compressed air.

Besides below grade pits as I used it, other applications include but not limited to; below grade sumps, deep wells, underground storage, drains, deep hole broaching, bulk storage tanks and cisterns.

The High Lift Reversible Drum Vac comes in 30, 55 and 110 gallon sizes and with different options as shown in the phot above. If you have Industrial Housekeeping needs and not sure which product is best for you, please contact any of our Application Engineers.

Eric Kuhnash
Application Engineer
E-mail: EricKuhnash@exair.com
Twitter: Twitter: @EXAIR_EK

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