Common Causes Of Screw Lubrication Failure

When using fasteners of any kind, it’s normally advisable to ensure that you lubricate them before use. There are many benefits associated with this. Not only are they more likely to last long, but will also be much easier to use. The fact that many people don’t take lubrication seriously when installing fasteners such as […]

When using fasteners of any kind, it’s normally advisable to ensure that you lubricate them before use. There are many benefits associated with this. Not only are they more likely to last long, but will also be much easier to use. The fact that many people don’t take lubrication seriously when installing fasteners such as Inconel hex nuts or steel socket head cap screws is therefore one that needs to be avoided.
One of the issues you will need to address when using screw lubrication is the quality you will end up getting. As much as possible, you should do everything you can to ensure that the lubrication will work to your advantage. This usually means first understanding the things that lead to lubrication failure, and then trying to avoid them as much as possible. Some of these include:

bottle of screw lubricant

The use of low quality products for screw lubrication

There are many firms that now produce screw lubricants. When you are out there shopping for them, you need to be keen on the type of quality you are after. It’s essential that you always insist on using high quality products if you are to truly benefit from them. One of the pitfalls that many people fall into is not realizing that cheap lubricants are not always the best. Rather than focusing on price, you should consider the reputation that the lubricant manufacturer has.


Improper use of the lubricants

When using fastener lubricants, you also need to be aware of the technical details regarding how to use them properly. This normally varies depending on the type of fastener you are using as well as why you are using it. This means that if you ever get to a position where you need to use such lubricants for the first time, you should not assume that they are all used in the same way. Try to find out more about the correct way to use the lubricants, and you will definitely get more value for money. Some of the sources of information for this include getting it online as well as from the vendor you buy the lubricants from.
Mismatching the lubricants
In addition to that, you also need to be aware of the fact that you could end up mismatching the lubricants as well. For instance, you may use grease for an application that would ideally require graphite. In such cases, you will definitely end up having problems with the screw lubricants.
In order to go round this, you need to figure out the reasons why you want to use the fasteners in the first place, as well as the environment in which you will be using them. You can then use this as the basis for deciding on which type of lubricant to use.
The above are some of the common reasons why most people use lubricants and then later end up not benefitting much from them. By avoiding them, you will not only prolong the life of your fasteners, but also reduce the risk of wasting too much money as well.

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