Stay Set Ion Air Jet Removes Dust From Bottle Filling Application

Stay Set Ion Air Jet Removes Dust From Bottle Filling Application

A few days ago I was working with a customer who was having a dust issue with their bottling line. As the polypropylene bottles travel down the slow moving conveyor, they are rinsed with an antibacterial solution then blown dry. After that, they pass under an inspection “eye” where they are checked for impurities before…

Cabinet Coolers Keep Working at Full Capacity After Six Years of Near Constant Operation

Cabinet Coolers Keep Working at Full Capacity After Six Years of Near Constant Operation

I was digging through my old application files today and ran across an application that I worked on with our Indonesian distributor (PT Interwira Lancar Mandiri).  Our distributor had a customer who was in the business of manufacturing automotive radiators. The end customer contacted them with a problem relating to a failed motor drive which caused one…

More Efficient Compressed Air Use Could Lead To Energy Rebates

More Efficient Compressed Air Use Could Lead To Energy Rebates

The use of compressed air can be found in almost any industry and is often referred to as a “fourth utility” next to water, gas and electric. The generation of compressed air accounts for approximately 1/3 of all energy costs in an industrial facility, in many cases, it’s the largest energy user in an industrial…