Cabinet Coolers Keep Working at Full Capacity After Six Years of Near Constant Operation

I was digging through my old application files today and ran across an application that I worked on with our Indonesian distributor (PT Interwira Lancar Mandiri).  Our distributor had a customer who was in the business of manufacturing automotive radiators. The end customer contacted them with a problem relating to a failed motor drive which caused one of their two production lines to come to a stop.

The end customer had a Freon based air conditioner set on his panel, but the air conditioner began leaking water into the inside of the panel. The water got into the motor drive, shorted it out and caused the production line to go down. Not only was the production down for 1 month, but the motor drive cost them $20 k USD to replace by the time they purchased, had it shipped and got it installed.

The customer was extremely wary of what he was going to use for an air conditioner unit because there was no getting around keeping these motor drives cool. So, our distributor introduced the customer to EXAIR Cabinet Cooler and the customer purchased Model 4330 for his panel.  Our distributor was back in the customer’s plant on another issue some six years later when he saw the old EXAIR Cabinet Cooler system still on the motor drive panel, cranking out cold air. No maintenance had been performed on the Cabinet Cooler System in that time (as none was necessary) even though the environment was quite dirty. You can see from the photos below that the place had not been cleaned in a long time.


When we talk to customers about the EXAIR Cabinet Cooler Systems, one of their initial concerns is how long they last. Because there are no moving parts to wear out, the life span can easily be in the range of 20 years or more. You would have to purchase 4 Freon based units, pay to have them changed out and pay for them to be maintained 2 – 4 times per year, changing filters, replacing compressors, and re-filling coolant in that time.

Not only does the Cabinet Cooler last a long time, but when it is operating, it produces a positive pressure onto the panel which keeps dust and debris from getting inside your cabinet over time.


Neal Raker, Application Engineer

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