Using Compressed Operated Air Knives as a Barrier

Compressed Air Knives as a barrier

Using Compressed Operated Air Knives as a Barrier

Compressed air-operated air knives can be utilized as a barrier in some applications to prevent contaminants from one area from getting into another area. This is possible because of the laminar flow produced by the air knives. The small amount of compressed air in the air knife gap entrains the surrounding air on each side of that exit point. But that arrow sheet of air keeps the two sides separate.

One example is mounting an air knife over the door of the closed machine doing welding. Welding fumes are produced within the machine. The compressed air can be automatically started when the door is opened to remove the finished part. The air can flow down over the door opening, creating a barrier to prevent most fumes from exiting the machine. Yet the part can still be removed. Once the door is closed, the compressed air goes off. Minimal energy is used because it only operates when the door is open.

Nex Flow manufactures compressed air products for drying, cleaning, cooling, and moving and offers consultation and other specialty-related products to improve and optimize your compressed air systems.

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