July Covid-19 Update: Lockdown Easing and PPE

Each month brings with it more and more easing of lockdown restrictions, and July is no different. In fact, this month we are seeing the biggest easing of restrictions yet, with these changes likely to have a direct impact on our industry, hopefully providing a well needed boost for the economy.

So, let’s take a look at some of the restrictions which are being eased and how the use of PPE is shifting in England.

As with previous months, the entire UK is not easing restrictions in line with one another therefore the following only apply to England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own schedules for easing lockdown and their own guidelines on the use of PPE.

Holidays and Hospitality

From the 4th July, domestic holidays were allowed to resume in addition to the re-opening of pubs, bars and restaurants. In the hospitality industry, things are a little different – with table services, social distancing and a track and trace system in place the industry is doing all the can to keep customers and staff protected as we are still in the midst of the pandemic. With many restaurants, pubs and bars expanding their outdoor seating to allow customers to mingle with up to 6 people from various households or larger groups if from only 2 households. Indoors, only 2 households (and support bubbles) can meet.


Also, in England, from the 4th July hairdressers were allowed to re-open after over 3 months of lockdown meaning everyone who had a bad lockdown haircut could finally get it fixed. Hairdressers have to wear PPE and encourage customers to do the same by wearing a mask. Social distancing rules remain in place and hygiene is of the upmost importance.

Beauty Services

Beauty services such as nail bars, tanning salons and beauty salons were not allowed to re-open in the July 4th easing however it was soon announced they could begin re-opening on 13th July in England. Beauty salons are now allowed to re-open however they cannot provide facial treatments. In addition, on 13th July tattooists were allowed to re-open their doors.

Theatres and Sporting Events

From the 11th July theatres, operas and dances could resume outdoors but are still not allowed to resume indoors. In addition, club level Cricket can also return, and outdoor swimming pools can re-open.

Gyms and Fitness Centres

For all the fitness fans who have been missing the gym throughout lockdown, you will be pleased to hear that from the 25th July, in England, indoor gyms, fitness centres and indoor pools can all re-open. All these facilities are still subject to following all the social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

PPE in Shops and On Public Transport

Wearing a mask in England is currently only compulsory on public transport, however from the 24th July it will also be mandatory in shops across England. Since re-opening some retailers have already chosen to ask customers to wear masks, however from 24th July they will be able to refuse entry to anyone not wearing a mask or face covering. Children under 11 and those with certain disabilities will be exempt from this rule.

With all the new re-openings, we are hopeful that this will mean plenty of new work for tradesmen and those within the construction industry as all areas of the economy begin to re-open.

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