How To Figure Out The Size Of Screw To Use

When you regularly use fasteners such as screws, it is important for you to be sure about the technical details regarding them. One of the common mistakes that people make when choosing screws is not considering the issue of size. However, it’s vital that you always try to pick the right screw size since this […]

When you regularly use fasteners such as screws, it is important for you to be sure about the technical details regarding them. One of the common mistakes that people make when choosing screws is not considering the issue of size. However, it’s vital that you always try to pick the right screw size since this will determine many things including the quality of the product that you make.
In many cases, this will also influence the safety and longevity of the product you end up with. When doing manufacturing on a large scale, fastener size may also influence the final cost of the process. When you use fasteners that are needlessly large for a particular product, it will turn out to be more expensive than it should be. This may translate to higher product costs or less profit for you.

When figuring out how to choose the best screw size for a particular job, there are a number of factors you need to take into account. Some of the most important of these include:

The loads that the screw will be subjected to

One of the most obvious things that will determine the type of screw you should use in terms of size is the load that it will bear. When producing an item that will need to bear huge loads or which will be exposed to great forces, you will definitely need to get bolts and nuts that will be up to the task. You need to figure out how much force will be transmitted to each of the fasteners, and then get ones that are in a size that can accommodate this.
Most people tend to get bolts which exceed the capacity for which they are to be used. For instance, when getting aluminum carriage bolts or Inconel hex head cap screws, you could get ones that are designed to withstand at least one and a half times the force they will be subjected to. This way, you can be sure that the item will never subject them to the limits of their physical properties.


Will the load keep changing?

It’s important to get a screw size that will withstand any changes in loads. If the force transmitted to the fastener is likely to significantly change over the life of the item you are assembling, you might need to use larger screws for it.
Screws of different sizes

The issue of oscillating joints

When using a fastener on an oscillating joint, you should find out how much force the fastener will be subjected to. The fact that the joint will be oscillating means that to be on the safe side, you might need to get screws or bolts that can withstand ten times this force. This way, the joint is likely to last very long with minimal need for frequent maintenance.
In summary, choosing screw and other fastener sizes should never be arbitrary. You need to make sure that you consider all the above so that you can end up with good value for money.

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