When should I replace my door locks?

We take a look at a few of the situations that would mean that would require a door lock replacement:

1.     Better insurance premiums

When it comes to domestic and commercial security, British Standard (BS) Certified is the gold standard for all types of hardware, including door locks.

This is reflected in insurance premiums for your home or business, therefore, if you do not have one already, it is highly recommended to make the switch to BS Certified door locks, not only for the best protection and security, but to save on your insurance too.

You can browse our range of BS Certified door locks here.


2.     Lost Keys

If you or anyone who has access to your property loses a set of keys, the easiest option would be to replace the keys. However, this poses a major security risk, as that set of keys could end up anywhere, and more importantly, in anyone’s possession.

To ensure that access to your property and valuables doesn’t end up in the wrong hands, if keys are misplaced or lost, the entire lock should be replaced.


3.     After a break-in

It is always a top priority to increase the security of your property after a break-in, so not only should you replace the locks, you should consider investing in a higher security model.

For example, replacing your 3-lever lock with 5-lever lock offers greater security in general, as well as a lower risk of key duplication.

Not only is it important to change the locks, it is vital to carry this out as soon as possible. According to Calder Security¹: “the victims have a 25% chance of being burgled again.”

5 Lever Lock

 4.     Faults & Damage

It should be standard practice to replace your hardware and fixtures when they are faulty or damaged, but it is imperative that faulty or damaged door locks are replaced as soon as possible.

If the lock has to be manipulated in any capacity to operate, it should be replaced, not only for security reasons, but to eliminate any fuss when entering and exiting the property.

5.     Every 7 years

Whether it’s due to standard wear and tear, or to comply with changing security standards, it is standard practice to replace door locks every 7 years.

However, if any of the previous instances occur, or you just want to upgrade the security or operation of your door locks, you can change them before this time period.


We stock a variety of door locks suited to many types of property, to domestic settings to large commercial facilities, to ensure that your home or business is always protected. If you’re looking to upgrade your entire security system, you can shop our full range of security products here.








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