Get Your Garden Ready For Autumn

There’s no reason you can’t keep enjoying your garden in autumn, but there are some steps you should take to make sure it’s ready for the unpredictable weather. We’ve already given you some ideas for what you can do to prepare your home for the autumn season, but what about your garden? Strong wings and heavy rain can cause problems – so make sure you are well prepared by following these steps.

Secure unfixed garden furniture

Autumn can bring with it some pretty unpredictable weather. Strong winds and storms can displace your garden furniture, especially if they’re not properly secured. Think of everything in your garden which isn’t in a fixed position and consider ways to protect them from damage. You can either store these items in a sheltered area, such as a shed or garage during extreme weather, or you can cover and secure them. This will ensure that they don’t become damaged, or a hazard during strong winds. As well as patio furniture make sure that you move any potted plants into a sheltered area so that they don’t get blown over and damaged in a storm.

Make sure your fencing is secure

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